Page 70 - Industries_of_San_Antonio
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averaging $55,000 in value. The an-
ment only acquired by experience
nual transactions will reach $175,000. Eight assistants are employed.
In these days, when attractive, artistic and aesthetic articles are demanded
by popular taste, establishments of this class are a necessity and a credit
to the community. The trade of this house extends throughout Texas
and Mexico. Mr. Reed's experience in his business is measured by the
years of his business life, and he has manifested' a high degree of ability
and sound judgment since he assumed control of this, the leading furniture
house in Texas.
JOHN WAITE & CO.—Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shingles, Laths & Pickets, Contractors and Build-
ers; Yard and Planing Mill, No. 22, Avenue C.
In all cities marked for enterprise, progress in commercial affairs and
growth in population, there are no more efficient and substantial contribu-
tions towards those desirable elements than -contractors and builders.
Through their exertions, good offices and practical knowledge, cities are
built up, adorned and made attractive, by handsome private residences,
massive business blocks and imposing public buildings. San Antonio, sit-
uated in the heart of the cotton producing and stock raising section, on
the main line of several leading railroads, with a productive country con-
tributay to her, is rapidly growing in commercial importance. Her ad-
vantages and prospective growth to metropolitan proportions, have at-
tracted the attention and enlisted the abilities of live, energetic, practical
firms, and her contractors and builders, with co-relative branches, rank
and rate as pursuits of the first magnitude among the firms occupying a
position in the first rank. John Waite & Co., who also operate an ex-
tensive planing mill on Avenue C., where is also situated their lumber
yard, deserve special mention. These gentlemen established themselves
in business in 1882 in good shape. Experience in their pursuit, measured
by the industrious application of a life-time, practical ability in all depart-
ments, honest, straight-forward dealings, and courageous enterprise, at-
tracted attention and brought them trade, their business increased and
throve, success attended their efforts; and they are among the most pros-
perous and uniformly successful firms in their line to-day. Their plan-
ing-mill is thoroughly equipped with all necessary machinery, appliances
and facilities of the best designs and makes, all new and perfect. Planers,
circulars, jig and rip-saws, mouldings, tenoning, mortising machines, etc.,
motive-power by an engine of twenty-horse power. The building is 60
feet by 120 feet in size. They employ twenty-five hands in the various
capacities necessary in the business. Their trade is principally confined to
this state, reaching $150,000 annually. John Waite and G. W. Pratt are
the members of the firm. They are the representatives in this city of the
firm of Waite & Thaison, of Laredo. Messrs. Waite & Thaison manufacture
an exceptionably fine quality of building and paving brick equal to any in