Page 73 - Industries_of_San_Antonio
P. 73

                                   COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES.
             inent, business thoroughfares ; consistirig of a handsome brick building,
             fronting 91 feet on Alamo street, running the full depth of the block
             on Commerce, 127 feet to Losoya, where the front measures 69 feet. It
             is four stories, including cellar, in height, giving him an abundance
             of room for the prosecution of his extensive business. His trade
             is located in Western Texas. Thirty-four hands are employed in the
             business. The stock is thorough and complete, averaging $75,000 in
             value, his annual transactions reaching $800,000. The business is con-
             ducted upon the highest basis of mercantile integrity, and characterized
             by energy, ability and liberality.

             BLUM & KOENIGSBERGER—Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,
                   Cloaks, Ladies' Costumes, Ladies Undergarments, Dress-Making
                   Department, Laces, Hosiery and Notions, Agents for Butterick's
                   Patterns; 202 Commerce Street.
                 One of the best evidences of the dawning of an era of progress, and
             material advancement in the enterprise of the Southern States, is the es-
             tablishment, in commercial centers, of houses of the go-ahead, determined
             business ability of experienced merchants, and the push of their invincible
                                            management. The stimulus of their ex
                                            ample exercises a most wholesome influ-
                                            ence, and those cities, in which they have
                                            established themselves during the last
                                            fifteen years, already exhibit indisputable
                                            evidences of modern enterprise and mer-
                                            cantile ability. This was the electric
                                            spark necessary to kindle the slow burning
                                            fire of Southern ambition and manhood,
                                            and teach them to forget past glories
                                            and subsequent disasters, in heroic efforts
                                            to develop their natural resources and
                                            build up a country commercially great.
                                            This has been nowhere better verified than
                                            in Texas; her cities have attracted more
                                            attention than those of sister states, by
                                            the determination and effective energy
             they are evincing since the civil war to make themselves prosperous and
             metropolitan. San Antonio, with perhaps less froth and bluster, has kept
             pace with the foremost, and a bright future is in store for her. In San
             Antonio, Messrs. Blum & Koenigsberger are the best exemplars of this
             class. Having the irrepressible vim and mercantile spirit, characteristic of
             American business men of German descent, they have, in a limited period,
             despite strenuous -competition. built up a business without a peer in their
             line in this city, and, in accomplishing this, their example has been of in-
             calculable benefit to the city and section. Teach a people the possibilities
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