Page 67 - Industries_of_San_Antonio
P. 67

                                  COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES.

             THE TEXAS NATIONAL BANK OF SAN ANTONIO-258  Commerce.
                   Street, (Old Bennett Bank Corner.)
                 A bank is an institution authorized to receive deposits, loan money,
             etc. The lending of money with the taking of interest is a custom which
             dates from the earliest antiquity. In Ancient Greece and Rome the bus-
             iness of banking reached a high state of development, the bankers ex-
                                                             ercised nearly the same
                                                              functions as those of the
                                                             present day. The State
                                                             Bank of Ilium, in the
                                                             second century before
                                                             Christ, borrowed money
                                                             for the State, and paid
                                                             10 per cent. for its use.
                                                              Banking became corrupt
                                                              and fell into disuse, but
                                                              reappeared in Italy upon
                                                              the revival of civiliza-
                                                             tion. The Bank of Ven-
                                                             ice is reputed to be the
                                                              first in the history of
                                                              modern Europe. Foun-
                                                             ded about 1171, it con-
                                                              tinued business until the
                                                              overthrow of the repub-
                                                              lic in 1797, and it was
                                                              for many years the ad-
                                                              miration of all Europe,
                                                              the chief instrument of
                                                              Venetian finance, the
                                                              chief facility of a com-
                                                              merce unequalled by any
                                                              European nation. Bank-
              ing was introduced into England in the seventeenth century. The Bank
              of England was organized in 1694—the Bank of Paris in 1716. May 17th,
             1781, a plan for a National Bank was submitted to congress by Robert
              Morris of Pennsylvania, and the bill passed May 26th. The Capital was
              to be $400,000, in shares of $400.00 each, and it was to be managed by
              twelve directors. On 31st December, same year, Congress incorporated the
              stock-holders. The old Bank of the United States came into existence in
             1791 and was wound up in 1811. The second Bank of the United States
              organized by act of Congress in 1810, was wound up in 1840. Subsequent
              to this date and prior to the act of 1864, all banking institutions were
              chartered by the states, and they were known as state banks. Banks fa-
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