Page 74 - Industries_of_San_Antonio
P. 74

                                     SAN ANTONIO-HER  TRADE,
              that exist within themselves, and they will essay a like venture. In 1882
              Messrs. Blum & Koenigsberger established themselves in their present
              magnificent business, with a medium capital. Starting, with full confi-
              dence in their own ability and a true conception of the possibilities of the
              city, they have taken advantage of every legitimate business factor and
              principle that would advance their purpose, and they have won the fight,
              and to-day they represent one of the most prominent and meritorious
              houses in this city; and, of the houses engaged in the dry goods trade, we
              can, with confidence, assert that none in this city occupy a position of
              higher rank, or one more entitled to consideration, with, reference, not
              only to the high commercial standard upon which its operations are based,
              but also to the extent of business transacted and its influence in commer-
              cial circles. The Messrs. Blum & Koenigsberger have always maintained
              the characteristics for energy, high commercial integrity and enterprise
              with which they began business. One of the firm spends a large portion
              of his time in New York, where they have an office, at No. 123 Duane
              street, at which all their goods are delivered, examined and shipped by
              the fastest lines; carefully watching the markets, thus affording buyers
              certain advantages that cannot be easily duplicated in the South. The
              premises occupied by them, so far as regards facilities for the operation of
              their business, are all that could be desired, being ample, commodious and
              eligibly situated. Their house, No. 202 Commerce street, is in the very
              center of the mercantile traffic of the city, and convenient to all prominent
              points. This large business is thoroughly organized into different depart-
              ments, each managed and supervised personally by Messrs. Koenigsbeger
              and Raas, with thorough and competent assistants. Here may be found,
              at all times, in their proper department: Foreign and domestic dress
              goods, in silks, satins and woolens; also, staple dry goods, such as flannels,
              ginghams, prints, domestics, etc. ; full line of house furnishing goods, em-
              bracing white and colored table damasks, napkins, towels, woolen embroi-
              dered table and piano covers; Marseille quilts, bed sets, tidies, etc. ;
              and children's imported hose, in plain and fancies; an immense stock of
              all classes of laces and embroideries, lace, ties and handkerchiefs; best
              stock of kid gloves, their own importation; their stock of parasols and
              fans are of great attraction; ladies' and children's cloaks, and ladies' un-
              derwear, can be found there in endless variety. One of the specialties of
              their business is their dress-making department; this is situated on the
              second floor, and is admirably fitted up for the purpose, with cutting
              rooms, fitting rooms, show rooms, sewing rooms, etc. They have a full
              corps of expert modistes, supervised by a lady artist of acknowledged taste
              and experience, from New Orleans. They give all garments the greatest
              care and attention, in cutting, fitting and finishing. Another specialty is
              their lace curtain department, which is also fitted up 'in a very superior
              manner, every advantage being availed of to exhibit the different fabrics,
              as to color, quality, etc., and their effects over different colors. The room
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