Page 63 - Industries_of_San_Antonio
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the Christian era, mentions beer as their usual beverage. Their descend-
ants certainly are entitled to the credit of improving both the manner of
its manufacture and its quality, as a health-giving beverage. When we
consider the matter in all its bearings, the rapidity with which the taste
for this class of brewage has grown in this country, is truly wonderful. A
quarter of a century ago the word lager was comparatively unknown out-
side of our German population, and one brewery, so far as actual consump-
tion was concerned, was sufficient to supply the demand. As a drinker of
stimulants, the American was in the habit of assuaging his thirst with
cider, and elevating himself with whisky, but he did not take kindly to
malt liquor. Suddenly, however, like the upbuilding of Aladdin's gorgeous
palace in a night, the charms of lager beer was opened to his vision and
with an eagerness that must have rejoiced the hearts of temperance peo-
ple, he adopted it as his national beverage. It was a new sensation and a
want supplied. The demand becoming dominant, brewers entered heartily
into the business of supplying it. Great structures were erected in every
city of any importance, and it was found that the demand was not ephe-
meral but was for all time. Gambriners is king, and no monarch has
subjects so loyal. The breweries in the west are many and vast, and their
business large and profitable. In order to give our readers some compre-
hensive idea of the business, we single out the most extensive and, beyond
doubt, the model brewery of the South—the Lone Star Brewing Company
—which has done more to elevate the quality of beer, as to purity of man-
ufacture and health-giving properties, than any similar concern; and to
their efforts, more than any foreign brewery, is due its great popularity as
a beverage, beneficial in results, as it encourages temperance. The Lone
Star Brewing Company manufacture their beer from water of super extra
purity. This water is taken from the springs at the head of San Antonio
river, besides coming from the very fountain head, it is also boiled before
using, expelling all impurities, such as lime, etc. Beer occasions no brawls,
or horrible accidents; drank within reason it is a tonic, an invigorator,
it stimulates and exhilirates, and but rarely intoxicates. The business of
the Lone Star Brewing Company was established in 1884, by a company
of enterprising, clear-headed and honorable business men. The board of
officers are: J. H. Kampmann, president; G. H. Kalteyer, vice-president;
0. Koehler, secretary and manager. From the day they commenced brew-
ing, the popularity and reputation of Southern beer began, and it is in-
creasing and being shipped all over the State. When they duplicate the
present capacity, by adding more vault storing room, the trade will extend
into the neighboring States and into Mexico. It has already, in competi-
tion with famous Western brands, been awarded praise in St. Louis.
Wherever introduced the judgment has been invariably the same one—of
the best, the most palatable, the most brilliant in color and unquestionable
as to purity. The present capacity is 40,000 barrels, which can be readily
doubled when they think proper; seventy-five hands are employed. The