Page 87 - Industries_of_San_Antonio
P. 87
R. BECKER—Dealer in, all Kinds of Furniture, Upholstery, Mattresses,
etc. ; 19 and 21 Commerce Street.
The great characteristic of American manufacturers is that they are
never satisfied with mere mediocrity, but are ever on the alert to design
and adopt improved means and methods, w hereby, the intrinsic merits of
their productions may be enhanced, and their own position in the corn-
mercial world elevated above
their competitors. The spirit
that impels this ambition is a
laudable one, acting as it does,
with dual effect, and benefi-
cial in both cases. In results,
it improves the character and
quality of articles of prime
necessity, and improves the
business of the producer, and
the user, purchaser, or con-
sumer, obtains a better article
:and is better satisfied. This is
more apparent. in the manu-
facture of furniture, than of
most other branches, and the
excellence and perfection ar-
rived at in late years, in this
important business, leaves hut
little to be desired, and the
manufacture of furniture has
greatly advanced, both in ex-
tent of production and improved facilities, while the demand has kept
even pace. Among the establishments which have acquired a reputation
for superiority in this direction, none hold higher rank than R. Becker in
the extent and range of his operations, and the superior quality of his
stock. His specialties are fine and ordinary furniture in chamber, parlor
and dining-room suits, office furniture, hall sets, in short, everything and
every article pertaining to the business—mattresses, etc. The southern
demand is proverbially fastidious in the selection of furniture, and it is
dependent on the east and west for the largest portion of their supply. To
meet this demand there has been a corresponding improvement of taste in
designs among dealers, and nowhere are there exhibited better, or more
comprehensive displays than can be seen in San Antonio, and no house in
the city is more entitled to recognition than that of Mr. Becker. He es-
tablished himself in business in 1870, in but a moderate way, but energy,
enterprise and business ability brought him custom, and his trade has
largely increased, keeping even pace with the progress of the times and
the growth of the city. His business premises are among the most com-