Page 86 - Industries_of_San_Antonio
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and the trade extends through this state and Mexico. To successfully
manage such a business, requires a system of complete thoroughness and
a knowledge of business only acquired by years of education and expe-
rience. Every article in his line of business is comprehended in the heavy
stock, and we call special attention to the millinery and gents' furnishing
goods departments, which are models of systematic management and per-
fection of details. Mr. Wolfson controls the leading house in Texas, the
high standard of which is upheld by an ample capital, superior stock and
the most admirable business qualifications.
L. MOKE & CO.--Dealers in Groceries and Dry Goods, Hardware, Crock-
ery, Wooden and Willow-ware, Boots, Shoes and Hats; Military
In every city there are individual examples of men, whose long con-
nection with its business pursuits, and whose records for unflinching in-
tegrity, undaunted energy and untiring industry, make them objects of
especial note, not alone in their homes but throughout the whole State.
One of the oldest, if not indeed the oldest grocery and general goods es-
tablishments in this city, is that of L. Moke & Co., which was started in
1850 as a general store, carrying such goods as entered into ordinary neces-
sities of families. In 1850 the firm title was E. Moke. In 1855 it was
changed to Moke Bros., and in 1879 to the present style, L. Moke & Co.
Their start was in a moderate way, but merit, business ability and contin-
uous fair dealing, increased their trade, enlarging their business connec-
tions and augmenting their facilities. They pursued their business in
straight-forward, legitimate channels of trade; their many years of expe-
rience, ripe judgment and business habits making it one of the substan-
tial and reliable establishments of Western Texas, and the headquarters of
a custom which, once gained, never leaves them. The countryman, farm-
er and ranchman, within a radius of 300 miles, knows Moke's store and
yard. They carry on their business conservatively and without ostenta-
tion, keeping only first-class goods and content with honest profits. Their
store room has a frontage of 22 feet on Military plaza, running back 91
feet, with a large yard in the rear. They have one brick warehouse 15 by
20 feet, and one iron clad warehouse, 12 by 40 feet. The main building is
two stories in height, with a finished cellar They carry a full stock of
groceries, dry goods, hardware, crockery, wooden and willow-ware, and
such sundries as pertain to their branch of trade. The stock will average
$25,000 in value. Their trade extends through Western Texas and will
reach $75,000 annually. Their assortment, selected with that judgment
only acquired by life-long experience, gives customers unusual advantages
in selection. Experience in commercial ethics is considered equal to capi-
tal, and there are few men in San Antonio, now engaged in active busi-
ness, who have been .so long identified with their line of trade. They are
live business men, conducting their affairs honestly, liberally and with en-
terprise. They employ four hands. L. Moke has been in San Antonio
since 1853, E. Moke since 1849.