Page 14 - Picturesque_Alamo_City_1
P. 14

H. L. Howard.                                                               Emil Locke.
                                                    HOWARD & LOCKE,

                                                                 Dealers In
                                                          AGRICULTURAL LANDS.
                                                             209 Moore Building.

                 We are part owners and agents for the BONNIE VIEW RANCH, which is situated
             in the gar en spot of Southwest Texas, (Ref ugio county), on the St L. B. & M. Ry., be-
             ginning at Church Station, 6 miles from Refugio, the county seat. It embraces about
             35,000 acres of exceptionally fertile land, and is equal to any in Texas or elsewhere.  This
             kind of land, thirty miles away, sells for $200 per acre for truck farms.  This kind of land
              twenty miles away, made 120 bales of cotton on 108 acres, and sold for $40.00 per acre.
              This land now offered by us at $16.00 per acre will pay for itself in a short time and will
              double in value in 2 years. It will pay good interest on $100 per acre, as a rental propo-
             sition. BONNIE VIEW RANCH is now being surveyed ready for sale in tracts to suit,
             one half cash, balance long time at 7% interest. If you are in the market for a first-class
             investment, it will pay you to investigate Bonnie View Ranch. Address

                                      Howard & Locke,

                                            San Antonio,  Texas.
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