Page 101 - Picturesque_Alamo_City_1
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                             A Beautiful Spot of Surpassing Fairness.

                         What a reporter saw at "Summit Place" although hardly in its first stages of completion.
               What is soon to be the finest residence district in the south   be a wide parking filled with rows of palms and beds of flowers, and
            is now being developed in this city on the summit of Laurel   on each street the color scheme will be different. For instance,
            Heights.                                      along one street which is to be known as "King's Highway," and
               "Summit Place" is the name of what is very shortly to be the   is to be eighty-four feet wide from terrace to terrace, there will
            finest residence. district in all the south. The location is the   be rows of beds of American Beauty roses and palms and cedrus
             natural beauty spot of beautiful San Antonio, being on the very   deodaras (Himalayas). In another street there will be another
            summit of Laurel Heights, with San Pedro avenue. Belknap   color scheme prevailing. Many roses, palms, cedrus deodaras,
            avenue, Howard street and  Main avenue opening into it.   etc., are being set out daily, and the beauty of the place should
               Since last August a small army of men and teams have been   improve with age, even after once completely finished.
             at work laying" out and building streets and converting the   The attractiveness of it all will be greatly embellished by
             beautiful knoll into an ideal residence district, which, while in a   massive, stately gateways of bronze, brass and ornamental iron
            state of upheaval now, is expected within six weeks to be open   and red Pecos stone, parts of which are now enroute from the
             for inspection.                              contractors.
               The name "Summit Place" is appropriate because its eleva-  Every lot will be sewered and every building site terraced,
             tion is the highest point of any in the city and an excellent view   not only above the street, but also above the sidewalk. All
            of every part of the city may be had therefrom. Another and   drainage will be from the lots to the streets. There will be
            surpassing view is that looking to the west, where the distant   ample fire protection and water service—an eight-inch water
            hills can be seen in all their natural splendor, in fact from most   main is already being connected up in the property.
            any part of this beautiful plot of ground an unobstructed view   All sewer pipes, water mains. gas pipes, electric light and
            may be had in all directions.                 telephone poles, as well as ail other obstructions of any charac-
               Added to the natural advantages of the place—a veritable   ter will be put in the alleys, so as to rid the streets of all unsight-
            park in itself—are the many high and superior class of improve-  ly things and keep intact the perfect conditon of the street im-
            ments which are now being made there. The construction of   provements after completion.
            wide streets that are being made on an elaborate plan such as   Observing the deplorable manner in which the balance of
            never attempted   before, perhaps not in this state. John D.   beautiful Laurel Heights was handled, Mr. Roossitys his company
            Rullman. former county and city engineer, is busy with a force   will take the precaution to permit no hap-hazard manner of con-
            of men giving the lines and grades for the various improvements,   struction or placing undesira le buildings near any of the streets.
            which will include a new idea of cement walks and cement curbs.   but will make necessary and timely restrictions, but only those
               A Gazette reporter visited "Summit Place" this morning   that are sure to redound to the benefit of purchasers of proper-
            and was met by Mr. Ed Roos whose company acquired this   ty in the "Place," and adds that his company is not in the real
            splendid piece of property for the purpose of making of it the   estate business, but simply developing in a proper and substan-
            ideal residence district which its natural beauty and location   tial way the remaining all that is choice of beautiful Laurel
            justified, and from the activity that may be seen on all sides the   Heights — nature's own dedication as the ideal residence district
            conviction is enforced that that will soon be accomplished.   of this sunny southland—and that beautiful building sites in Sum-
            One of the many attractive features of Summit Place will be   mit Place will soon be for sale by all reliable and responsible
            the manner of arranging and beautifying the streets. Along   rail estate dealers of the city."—From San Antonio Gazette,
            both sides of all streets, between the street and the sidewalk, will    March 2, 1907.
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