Page 18 - Industries_of_San_Antonio
P. 18


            by the promise of transportation facilities; for after the long day of gloom,
            which shrouded the homes and hearts of our nation's people, softened into
            the western glow of a calm summer's evening, bringing "peace, content-
            ment and good will to all men," that western glow guided the hearts and
            hands of thousands in its own direction, to enter anew into the occupa-
            tions of advancement and prosperity.
                We say they went westward, and the broad lands of Texas invited
            industry with the most lavish promises, never failing to grant the peace
            and prosperity pledged to those who came and acted out their duty.
                Soon the historical "Sunset" route appeared in the suburbs of the city,
            and many of the citizens now recall with pleasure the ovations caused by
            that event. None among them failed to recognize the dire importance of
            quick communication with the rest of the world, for the welfare of their
            city and its natural resources. All the world has concurred in the opinion
            that a market is necessary to the disposition of our labor's fruits. The
            precious metals of the earth are naught without a hand to take them from
            the soil; and the people of San Antonio, even at that day, when the popu-
            lation did not exceed 10,000, were awake to these facts, hailing with joy
            the advent of those facilities which should in a few years develop the
            bounteous resources of a country and city. She claims to-day a popula-
            tion second to none in the State, and a location whose importance is rec-
            ognized and catered to by the capitalists of Europe and America.

                This road, which has recently proven itself to be one of the most im-
            portant in the United States, originated practically in the mind of Mr. T.
            W. Pierce, whose exertions in its behalf called the attention of many of
            the Eastern magnates in corporation enterprises to the wonderful advant-
            ages to be derived from its construction; which, however, must at first
            cross a country miles in area and thinly populated. But the resources of
            the lands it should traverse were such as to teach the rational minded that
            in a short time the country would be thickly populated; and a system of
            emigration              would bring those of industrious proclivities to
            cultivate and call from the richest lands in the State all the cereals and
            other staples natural to a fertile soil and tropical climate.
                With San Antonio as an objective point, work was begun at Harris-
            burg in a directly western line, aiming continually toward the "setting
            sun;" from which fact it derived the name of Sunset route, though its
            incorporated title is as seen at the head of this article.
                In 1879 it was completed to San Antonio, and the boom occasioned in
            that section of country has been unsurpassed in business history. Pros-
            perity and abundant returns for capital invested have, since that day, been
            the portion of all classes.
                The road was then built, intersecting Houston, eastward to
            Vermillionville, La., there connecting with the Morgan interests, and giving
            direct and perfect connection with New Orleans and New York.
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